Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid


This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too far beyond our School year,  it opens up the summer for our volunteers and families without splitting it in half.

But Breaker Rock Beach 2024 is a far cry from the old VBS Days that included two cookies and a cup of orange drink. Oh, the message hasn't changed, but the way it is delivered has.  With the coming of technology and computer, graphic assistance every thing is in full color. Yet what has not changed is the precious story of Jesus, His death, burial, and resurrection. The kids will hear that plainly once again and we pray that the Holy Spirit touches some soft hearts.

Recently I sent out a note to our FSBCamden Family of some things I love about VBS. I did love the cookies and kool-aid too.

 1. Name recognition. Vacation Bible School is something that many adults remember as kids and the impact it had on their lives in learning about Jesus.

2. Community.  Not only do we see our FSBCamden Family kids, we see many from the community.  What a blessing to see the parents lining up at 8:30 as we close meeting one another, many for the first time.  It gives us an opportunity to meet and say hello.  VBS may be the first connection to an invitation that leads to a guest, that leads to the Gospel, that leads to knowing Christ!.

3. Teamwork. Some of these classes are big this year. the Pre-K - K class is something. A team of Teachers faithfully loving, teaching, and modeling the love of Christ to every child.
I love seeing each of our Team using their gifts, uniquely for Jesus. From our VBS Leaders and Staff to our Custodians, what a great team.

4. Reminder.  It reminds me of the importance of our childcare and children's ministry.
This would be a great time to let Amber know you would be willing to be part of a regular schedule of childcare in our  10:45 worship service nursery.  If you have Children who stay in the Nursery, I encourage you to step up and serve.  Let Cody know that you would be willing to be part of a scheduled team leading our kids. We will request a background check making sure all of our kids are well protected and safe.

5.  Fun. This place is filled with laughter.  May we all return to the joy of coming to Chruch. and being in worship.

6. Most importantly.  Teaching these kids about Jesus and His love.

Each night builds on the previous night's message.
Night 1 - Truth comes from God - Gen. 2-3
Night 2 - God's plan is best - Daniel 1
Night 3 - Everyone needs Jesus - Mark 10:17-27
Night 4 - Jesus is the only way  John 14:1-6
Night 5 - Speak truth in love - Acts 9:1-6

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Praying for SBC24 in Indy

In recent years, and now after thirty one years as pastor here in Camden, my involvement  has gotten lax in denominational participation.  We as a Church certainly are blessed to be strong supporters and givers to the mission efforts of Southern Baptist through the Cooperative Program, North American Mission Board, International Board, Send Relief and Disaster Relief.  But this year is an exception. As the week of the Southern Baptist Convention's Annual Meeting approaches next week in Indianapolis, it is one that I need to attend for several reasons.

One is the needed fellowship. It is a blessing to catch up with fellow believers and preachers who have been such an inspiration and blessing to me over the years.  Another is the blessing of  being fed by hearing other men preach.  Years ago , when we would attend, as a young pastor, I would listen to older pastor's preach and pray that God one day would give me that kind of wisdom. 

Thirdly, I love to hear the mission reports and what God is doing all over the world. It is the heart of a missionary that I need God to keep cultivating in me. Recently we had IMB President Dr. Paul Chitwood, and what a blessing he was to get to meet.

Fourth, there is the pressing issue of any form of abuse, sexual or other, that would take place in a local church, and learning how to better address it, prevent it, and support those who have wrongfully suffered because of it.

Lastly it is a Convention where we will either decide that we continue to believe and follow the Word of God in regards to who is qualified biblically to Pastor a Church, or take an approach that it is not an issue and try to move forward without addressing it. After looking at numbers and the confusion we had defining a Pastor, it is an issue.

Southern Baptist are a people of the Bible and I believe we will stand firm in taking God at His Word.  As a Southern Baptist, we will come together for God's glory to continue on this great commission journey, together.

I ask for your Prayers as we meet and that the Lord will be glorified and praised. I have friends on both sides of this issue regarding the Law Amendment. I love and respect them all.  The six running for President are split right down the middle on it. 

As your pastor, based on what I have read and studied, my intention is to vote for the Amendment.  There must be a clear signal sent to a watching world that we will continue to follow God's word.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Revival Means Something To Me

This Sunday, April 21-24 we welcome Dr. Kie Bowman for our Spring Revival.  I have tried for many years to get Kie while he was Pastor of Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin, Texas.  Due to commitments it just didn't happen. He has recently retired, is Senior Pastor Emeritus, and is the Director for Prayer of the SBC. God opened the door.  We are in a for challenge and a blessing as he comes. I pray you make Revival a priority as we come together each night at 6:30.  Remember we are in one combined service on Sunday morning this week at 10:45 A.M. 

Forty eight years ago April 13th, was the anniversary of the Lord saving my soul.  I praise him for it! It was at North Dayton Baptist Church and T.D. Hall was the evangelist who is in his nineties now.  Several months ago we connected and he called me back.  I simply wanted to thank him for being faithful. What an honor it was to speak to him.  Who in your life would be greatly blessed to hear from you just to say to them , thank you for being faithful?  A former pastor, teacher, leader, encourager in the church?  

As we prepare for Revival, as you invite, find someone to encourage. It is going to be a great week.

Monday, December 11, 2023

A Christmas to Remember!

I must say that I am a lousy blogger having not posted since September, but the Christ of Christmas certainly is worthy.  It has been a remarkable year in the life of our church.  God has blessed with many baptisms and has added to His church throughout the year. 

There is nothing better than Pastoring in a small town around the holidays. We have recently come through two of the greatest, most meaningful performances by our kids in " Hotel Noel", and our adult Choir  with "Majesty. Two of the best that I can remember.  Both programs pointed people to Jesus and there was such a spirit of joy in presenting them.  Bev Garrett and Marcia Sullender and their teams did an awesome job.

Another tradition we have will be caroling on December 17 and our traditional 5 P.M. Christmas Eve service.  This started out as a small service nearly thirty years ago, and we now have full houses nearly every year.  We have gone from traditional candle to glow sticks for several reasons and this year we have added something that promises to be a moving picture of why Jesus came.  Oh and to let you in on a secret, the SBC's best Christmas Candy Treat bags will be passed out on Christmas Eve.  As a boy we would get a bag and everything in stuck together.  We have come a long way!  I hope you will join us.

On a personal note, God blessed Renee and I to celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary in September after being so blessed by the Church for our thirtieth pastoral anniversary here in July.  Our kids are now Drew 38, a teacher at Northridge,  and Deacon at FBC New Lebanon where Ashley's brother pastors, are raising two great boys, Aiden 14, and Eli will be 12 in February. Stacy now 36, is in her fourteenth year as a second grade teacher here in Camden.  Kyle continues to pastor in New Madison and is in the banking industry.  Koby , 9 and Jordy 7 both attend Preble Shawnee.  We have boys everywhere, games to go to all the time, and me and Memaw love it.

Renee and I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and may 2024 be a year of serving, obeying, growing, and going, as we look for the return of our Lord Jesus!

Bro. Greg

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Preaching through John

August 6, 2023 we began a series preaching through the Book of John, the Gospel.  Wow has it been a great blessing and challenge as we are now eight sermons in.  It will take us after our Christmas Series into 2024 and we are not going to hurry and rush.

For the early years I preached mostly topical sermons and it was often in a series as we will do this Christmas during advent.  Yet over the past thirty years I have also preached through many books verse by verse. Expository preaching seems to be such a great learning tool for us as a congregation and for me as preacher.  It makes the preacher study, to dig in and I love that. You have to deal with the tough text.  I have not enjoyed preaching anymore than I do right now. FSBCamden is a preacher's church.  We love the Word!

There are those who say it isn't expository preaching unless you are preaching book by book, verse by verse.  I subscribe to the Adrian Rogers philosophy that this type of preaching comes in different ways and presentations.  Breaking down and presenting the passage whether through a book,  part of a book or chapter, It can be an expository sermon.  I agree with him.  The key is to preach the Bible.

What I love about preaching through a book of the Bible is I know where I will be next week as soon as I am finished with the second message each week.  That takes a lot of pressure off of the preacher.

The above Bible reminds me of the statement, "A Bible that is falling apart usually represents a life that is not falling apart."

The Bible gives us more than enough for this lifetime to preach.  It has been some kind of year here in Camden. Lord I pray You do not take Your hand of goodness and mercy from us.

Thank you Church for being faithful.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Where did 30 Years go?







Thank you for the honor of being your Pastor the last thirty years. This photo from our combined service on July 9, 2023 has become one of my favorites for several reasons.  Renee and I appreciate all the hard work that went in making this day extraordinary for us.

  • Renee by my side.  What a great wife and partner to travel this ministry journey with.  she has been nothing but a blessing to me and FSBCamden.
  • My family on the front row.  They have prayed for and supported us our entire time here .  they love you as a church.
  • A great staff, and deacons peppered throughout this picture.  I also want to thank those who served and are serving in other places, as well as those who have passed to be with the Lord.
  • A church family that we love, and loves us.  God has blessed us with a great spirit of unity that we do not take for granted.
  • While we are blocking it with our bodies, we are standing at the pulpit.  A cross.  what a privilege to get to stand here each week and open the word of God.
  • Some have said, "congratulations on your retirement." No! No! We are not going anywhere , and let's ask God to make the next page and season of ministry even greater.  
  • May the Lord make us a house of prayer and may he send a mighty Revival!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Touched By In Touch ( A Tribute to Dr. Charles Stanley)

This past week, Christians, and in many ways  the world, said goodbye to one of our most notable preachers, Dr. Charles Stanley.  He had been the Pastor of the the great First Baptist Church of Atlanta for over fifty years, passing at the age of ninety.

His worldwide television ministry "In Touch" reaches hundreds of thousands weekly.  I loved what Dr. David Jeremiah said at the memorial service regarding Dr. Stanley.  It would have been easy for him to say he was going to commit himself to the TV Ministry and just do that, but he didn't.  He loved pastoring his people at FBC Atlanta.

The term America's Pastor has been thrown around loosely about other preachers, but in many ways Dr. Stanley was.  His down to earth delivery and pastor/shepherd like voice as he opened the word of God, are things that we all loved about him.  There are some Ohio ties as well.  He Pastored the FBC of Fairborn years before being recognized as FBC Atlanta's Pastor.

 Becoming Pastor here in Camden in 1993, before arriving I worked as a Letter Sorting Machine Operator (LSM) for the Post Office in Dayton.  Back then you could wear head sets.  I had a FM Walkman which allowed me in the evenings to listen to christian radio.  In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley was one that always drew my attention. His messages got me through many long nights.

It was a thrill to be introduced to him, by Dr. Ernest Easley and join he and his boys, Jonah and Jordan,  for dessert one year with Dr. Stanley at the SBC Annual Meeting. I was like a little boy meeting his baseball hero. The Easley boys had been on staff with him at one point.

During his memorial service, one speaker shared regarding his style, " He would simply come out, Bible in hand, look into the camera and ask a question.  He would then spend the next 30 minutes answering the question." He may have said  hour, it seemed like one speaker indicated he wanted hour slots .

An accomplished photographer, I wonder what the glory of heaven is compared to the many pictures of God's creation he loved.

The Church is losing some giants. but here are some common threads that we need to remember.

Faithfulness and the Word of God.  He never wavered on Jesus, the cross, or sin. May we continue to do the same week in and week out.  Thank you Dr. Stanley for the impact you have had on my parents, my life, and our Church.

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...