Romans 6:23 (New King James Version) 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
One of the most moving altar calls I have been involved in as a pastor, took place in tonight's service. Our people came forward to pray over each individual Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box that will be sent out this week.
One thing we can know for sure, is that each one has been prayed over. We prayed that God would prepare the hearts of those who receive these boxes, and that they would come to know the Lord Jesus as personal Savior.
What an awesome thing to realize that these boxes will make a way for the gospel of Christ to be presented.
A shoe box is much like a heart. It has to opened in order to be filled. God fills empty things. If the gospel of Christ can be shared through a simple shoe box, surely the gospel of Christ can be the main theme of our Christmas season. The message of Jesus is the gift and the heart's of our loved ones and friends represent the boxes that need to be filled.
Take a minute and pray for Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse. What a great ministry to be part of. We will be sending over 150 boxes this week.
We will be sharing, hope in a box.