Today I saw an unusual sight driving home. It occurred as I drove by the dog pound in Eaton. They have an outside area that allows dogs to run and let off some energy. It is a place that you can take a prospective dog to interact with it outside, even perhaps taking it home with you.
There were two dogs that first got my attention as I drove by.
These two dogs were running from one corner to another having a great time. One was chasing and the other was being chased. As I watched them head into a corner they had to veer off quickly as a third dog, a larger, lab type dog was just sitting in the corner as if he/she were in a trance, focused on something else, almost looking up.
It may seem odd, but it reminds me of the christian life.
1 As Christian we are constantly being chased by the Devil. Listen, if you are doing anything for the Lord, the Devil will not be too far behind trying to discourage you or sway you from being obedient to your Master, the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Some Christians are chasing the Devil. If you are a believer living in disobedience to Christ; if you a trying to live as close to the world as you can yet still claim to be a follower of Christ, decide to turn to the Lord now.
3. I want to be a believer who is focused, like that ole dog in the corner, looking unto the heavens seeking to please the Master. It is easy to get discouraged if you are constantly looking at everyone else and comparing yourself to them, but when I keep my eyes on the Lord, the other things seem to pale in comparison and importance.
How about you?
Phil. 3:17 Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. 18 For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things. 20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.