Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Showing Up for Christmas

As we get closer to the 25th of December, I am really amazed at the conversation surrounding whether or not a church is going to have services on Christmas Day. My response is simply, "Are You kidding me?"

Christmas Day is the time we stop and celebrate as a family, the precious birth of Christ. What better place to be on Christmas morning than in worship. We go to Birthday parties all year long, but this Sunday marks one I don't want to miss.

I understand some reasoning for a person not able to make it. Away is understandable. If you have guests staying with you, bring them with you.

Kids want to enjoy Christmas. I certainly agree, and what better way to teach them what the priorities are in your life and family than to honor God on His day.

We don't know for sure the exact day that Christ was born. While that may be true according to the calendar, biblical history puts us in a very close time frame. This is the time when the world stops and celebrates Christmas.

How much more should a Christian and the church begin His day by saying thank you to the Lord for coming into this world to die for our sin. God with us came so that he could save us!

Light the candles! Jesus is born!

From Renee and our whole family, I wish you a Merry Christmas. See you Sunday!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Snow and Satellite Dishes

The music, lights, and traffic all point to the fact that Christmas is upon us ready or not. One reason I enjoy Christmas so much has to due with my mom and dad. They always made it fun. We were by no means rich growing up, but I always felt like were were. I guess the reason was because they taught me how to be content and grateful. I hope I never get over that life lesson regardless of how old I get.

Another reason I enjoy it so much is because Renee loves it. The gift buying, the cooking and baking, the decorating. She is like a kid when December rolls around. I don't share enough with people the impact she has on my life as she encourages me in ministry. It is true. a Pastor's wife can make or break him, and I thank God that He gave me Renee. She is a jewel. A keeper!

A third reason I love it is because of Drew and Stacy. Kid's make the season fun and loaded with expectation and anticipation. As God has blessed Drew and Ashley with Aiden, it is obvious that the joy he has brought to our lives is unexplainable. With Stacy and Kyle preparing for marriage in June, we realize that our lives as we know it are constantly changing.

The other night, the big Ohio State/Duke basketball game was coming on. I couldn't wait, and as the game approached the TV starting jumping and missing and I knew we had a dish issue. It had been snowing so I decided to go out and knock the snow off of the satellite. When I walked back in the picture was crystal clear.

I believe our lives can get that way around the holidays. We can have stuff accumulating in our lives that block us from the true meaning and blessing of Jesus. It can cloud our relationship with the Lord and frustrate us.

My prayer for you this Christmas is to ask the Lord to remove the snow(sin) in your life that is hindering your relationship with Him. He will cleanse you making you ready to hear from Him.

Renee and I wish all of our readers a wonderful Merry Christmas!
A Savior is born! Bro. Greg

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...