Monday, January 23, 2012

Staying Hungry

Recently my daughter in law shared that our grandson Aiden is waking up in the morning now hungry and ready for breakfast. That is the sign of a healthy growing body desiring to be fed.

This year in my own spritual life, I want to wake up, live the day, and retire at night hungry to live in obedience to the Lord. As a Christian, too many times we desire to fill the hunger spot in our heart with the junk food of the world. I am asking God to give me and to give our church a hunger for the word of God this year like we have never had.

I have once again discovered that in reading through the Bible so far in 2012, that you don't have to go too far to find a sermon and an outline. The Bible speaks for itself and is the best source for sermon illustrations to support the text.

I am embarking on a self study of the Greek language. While I will never master a foreign language, I need all the tools I can get to help me be a better preacher and expositor of the Word of God.

Recently as a church, we have been surveying the Old Testament. I am humbled by how much I don't know, and challenged and stirred by how much we can know.

My prayer for myself, and my prayer for you. Lord keep us hungry!
Open your Bible and dig in! There is plenty for all of us.

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

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