Upon checking in, I was greeted with a smile and an offer. "Would you like some cookies and a bottle of water?" After a brief glance, I said Ann! I could tell at first she did not recognize me, then she said, "Greg, you look just like your dad! John is down flipping burgers. We have been here most of the summer."
Ann and John Bailey are retired from ministry and John was the Music Director at North Dayton Baptist church and we were neighbors when I was a boy, in the early 70's. I couldn't believe that the Lord would put our meeting at a time when I would be reunited with a couple that shaped some of my early church life.
Following a late plenary session meeting I walked to Clouds Coffee Shop to get something and began to walk up the hill when along side of me pulled a golf cart passenger car. Who was driving it? John Bailey! We rode together in the front seat and reminisced about days gone by. After a lot of laughter we prayed there in the dark in front of Mountain Laurel Inn.
What did this reunion teach me?
1.No task is too small when it comes to serving Jesus.
2.Joy is contagious.
3.We never really retire from ministry.
4.An encouraging word goes a long way.
1 Cor. 15:58
Therefore, my
beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the
Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
Who would ever think that Cookies and Golf Carts = Ministry? It does for me.