Monday, November 12, 2012

Bigger than the Buckeyes?

 Having been home a few days from the 59th annual State Convention of Ohio Baptists, I now have an opportunity to share some things that greatly blessed me. It was at a waterpark! A new standard for the other states to follow.
I must say that I have been a little withdrawn from our State Convention lately. Don't get me wrong, we still are a strong CP giving and mission going church, and we do appreciate all the SCBO has done and continues to do to help us reach Ohio and over 7 million without Christ, but I have not been too involved lately.

1. The fellowship was good. Not only with Renee and my mom and dad,   I have forgotten how much preachers need each other to encourage each other on the journey of ministry.

2. The reports were encouraging :  The many reports of folks who came to Christ and were baptized, 44 church plants, some good unexpected financial blessings that allowed for property mortgage burning, great ministry reports, and tremendous cooperation with NAMB while working together to obey the Great Commission. The Next Factor looks like a solid model.

3. Did you know that Ohio had a National Champion Bible Drill Winner?

4. Perhaps one of the greatest takeaways was the preaching. It was tremendous and each speaker brought God's Word in Power and Truth. Dr. Jack Kwok, President Mike Wilson, Pastor David Starry, and wrapped up by S.B.C. President Fred Luter. (Pictured above with Doug wolf and myself) What a great convention of preaching. Dwayne Lee led a great band that led us in worship and three of the ladies from 4Real were his praise team.

I love the Buckeyes, but the biggest news in Ohio is still Jesus Christ, He's on the throne and changing lives!

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...