Monday, June 22, 2015

2015 SBC Annual Meeting Takeaway

Having the Southern Baptist Convention here in Ohio was a wonderful treat.  First of all the proximity, a little over one hundred miles from Camden to Columbus.  Secondly, for Southern Baptists led by Ronnie Floyd to really see what God is doing in our great state.

The Pastor's Conference was tremendous.  Willy Rice put together a home run lineup with hometown Columbus Lifepoint Church Planter Dean Fulks leading off.The worship, and each preacher blessed my heart and challenged me to remember that "He must increase" in my life and ministry if it is going to be effective.  The offering that was taken, is going to Stow Mission Center Metro Columbus downtown Columbus.  That is tremendous.  In years past, preachers would beg people to give to pay for the conference.  Vance Pitman began a trend several years ago of getting sponsors to underwrite it and the offering is now ministry given.

Ronnie Floyd did an outstanding job of leading, presiding, and his sermon will be played here this Sunday night, "It's Time to Lead."  He hit all issues that we are dealing with as Christians, Pastors, and Churches.  I am glad to say that I am part of a denomination that is going to stand on the Word of God.  Culture is not going to dictate our beliefs, God will.  We will stand firm on the definition of a marriage , with one  man to one woman.  We will continue to fight for the right of a baby to be born.
May we do these things while still loving those who don't agree with us.

The Tuesday night prayer service, changed me, will change our Church, and the SBC. As we prayed for a Great Awakening in America let us not let up.  As we prayed for racial reconciliation, little did we know that the next night  a young man would sit in a Bible Study and then murder 9 innocent people in Charleston, S.C.   May God send Revival to our nation, using a group of brave, grieving, sold out Christians in Charleston as catalysts.

The NAMB and IMB reports were powerful with a commissioning service taking place. Kevin Ezell and David Platt represent a new face, the next generation of SBC leadership.

The Business was on point with very little wasted conversation on insignificant things.

I have been to most SBC Annual Meetings since 93, and by far, Ohio has been my favorite.
Thank you for the opportunity to go.  Bro. Greg

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...