Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Sometimes life is on cruise control, sometimes stressed out, or you fell like you are in a whirlwind. That is the case for me as I just returned home after being in eleven states in one week.  It began with an invitation to meet with  Speaker of the House John Boehner in D.C. with 9 other pastors to discuss the defunding of Planned Parenthood.  After a long van ride, we arrived in D.C. after dark and had the privilege to sight see and then get some rest. I was like a wide eyed boy in a candy shop.

The following day was jammed with meetings and culminated with a face to face meeting with the Speaker who is also our District 8 Representative. It ended on a note of prayer, and served us to remember  the great pressure our elected officials have on them. My prayer is that this movement will continue to gain support and that as a nation we will make a strong stand in regards to life and the atrocities that we have watched on video and what PP is doing with baby parts.

We left for home at 6 P.M. and got to the house at 4 A.M. to get up at 8 A.M. to drive to Milwaukee to speak at a Worship424 conference and do some break outs the next day.  What a blessing to have gone and to have been there with other ministry partners and to meet the pastors serving in the trenches there. God filled my heart and did a fresh work in my spirit.

As we returned home, we received a call that Renee's uncle had passed away in Tennessee and the service would be Tuesday. We made it home from Milwaukee around 6.  Thank the Lord I had two preachers lined up to preach for me, so it was an honor to just sit and be fed.  We left Monday evening at 6 P.M., arrived at 11:40 for a quick night and participated in the funeral at 1 the next day.
Renee's mom is now the last of her family.  She is a real blessing to us.  I could have not ask for a better mother in law.  It is ironic that our parents (Renee and myself) are from nearly the same place in Tennessee.  Due to that fact, after the funeral I was blessed to reconnect with an Uncle and one Aunt for a few brief moments.  It was a real blessing to my life. They both encouraged me, while battling health issues on their own.  We got back in the car, and arrived home around 11 last night.
I have never had a week like this.  Crazy, yet rewarding.  I am glad to be home, and want to do a better job, preaching the Word, and shepherding His church here in Camden.  Thank you Lord for the opportunities that you have brought my way.

Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11/01 The Day Things Changed

Dear First, as we prepare for Miracle day this Sunday and the celebration of  giving to pay off our worship center this Week, let us not forget the meaning of this day, September 11. Fourteen years ago on this day in 2001, the world changed, America changed, and our lives changed. Terrorism had a new face and we found ourselves victim to senseless, malicious killings that struck at the heart of innocent people and families and at the very heart of our nation.

Today we remember  those who were killed and pray for those who lost spouses, parents, children, grandparents, brothers and sisters, and friends.  America has many flaws, and seems to change daily, but it is still the greatest nation in the world, as we witness by the thousands who want to come and live here.

Always know that the Devil is real and wants to destroy your life, and your testimony.  May the Lord shield you today to be a light for Him, not a tool for the enemy.
Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV) 
12  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

This Sunday morning I will be preaching a sermon entitled "Don't Miss the Miracle" from Matthew 13. I hope you will join us for a wonderful day of worship, sacrificial giving, and being part of a miracle that began in the year 2001 as we celebrated 50 years as a church,  We began a capital campaign that would allow us to build and occupy in 2004.  "Thankful for the Past, Building for the Future." We can pay it off this week!  That was our motto, we are now in the future, and the work to reach our community is not finished? To God be the glory!  Tell someone about Christ today!

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...