Monday, May 23, 2016

The Power of God unto Salvation!

Sunday, May 22, 2016 is a day that we will never forget as a church.  What a blessing to begin the service with the baptism of three.  A mother and daughter, and a man that nearly everyone in Camden would recognize. Fred Green.  Twenty eight years ago, Fred became the owner of the local grocery store in Camden and has been a gracious, faithful friend to our church and this community.  Fred has always been a good, kind, and fair man.  If good men were to to get to heaven, one would think Fred would make it.

Fred's world, and the world of his family was recently shaken as he discovered a life threatening illness, and as God used it, it brought us face to face for conversation about Christ.  In that conversation we were reminded that good men don't automatically go to heaven.  That Jesus died for all of our good, which would never be enough, and for all of our bad which would never be bad enough to be forgiven.  The Holy Spirit spoke to Fred that day and his heart and life were changed in an instance by the power of God.

I was reminded that day as he and his wife left the office, that this is why we do what we do.  God is faithful and we must not give up.  The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation!  Romans 1:16

As this illness has led to an early retirement, and the sale of the store. As he was baptized many of his workers were in attendance.  What a blessing!  I pray God's best for the days ahead.

God's best is still ahead as heaven will be our home one day forever.  Until then, let's pray for the Fred Green's in our lives and community,  Let, pray and not give up!  Let's love people with the Gospel. Good people like Fred, and difficult people,  we are all lost if Jesus is not our Savior and Lord.

Thank you Fred and Lisa Green for your faithful service to the Camden Community.  May the Lord bless you in retirement and meet your every need as you walk with  Him.

Now we are brothers in Christ, let's live for Jesus!

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...