Tuesday, February 21, 2017

An appointment we will all keep!

Over the past few weeks, it seems that death is everywhere.  From relatives to church members, to young people losing their lives to addiction and overdose.  It seems that many folks simply appear to feel hopeless.  That is where you and I as Christians have something that the world is searching for, and that is the hope that Jesus Christ can give. Oh how important it is to know Christ and be ready!

I am praying and eagerly looking forward to this Sunday night as we come together as a church and community to pray.  We have invited pastors, churches, and our County Sheriff, Camden Police Chief, and our School Superintendent.  I am not planning on it being fancy, but fervent, as we seek the Lord to help us.  We will sing, share, support, and most of all seek.  Seek God for His provision, power, and passion to lift up those addicted, and their families who are watching  it's affects.

Easter is on the 16th of April this year, and we are looking to REACH out to our entire zip code this Easter.

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We will be looking to how Jesus reached out to people even from the Cross during our Easter Series.
The postcards will also include information for our April 23-26 Revival with Evangelist Scott Smith from Atlanta.  It has been several years since he has been here, and you will not want to miss a service.

Until He comes...we will go!

Bro. Greg

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...