Tuesday, December 10, 2019

"The Christmas Tree That Wasn't"

Where's the Tree?

Many of you heard the story I shared this past Sunday regarding the Christmas tree.  Here it is again in a brief summary for those who missed it.
Last year the day after Christmas we went Christmas tree shopping.  We saw a large one that we liked and we also saw a set that had two small trees, a wreath, and some garland. We bought what we thought were both and stored them in the attic. The Christmas of 2019 would be something with this new big pre lit tree.

This year when Renee asked me to get the trees down, I could not find the new big Christmas tree.  Anywhere!  We came to the conclusion that we must not have bought the big one.  If this were a Christmas movie, it would be titled, "The Christmas Tree that Wasn't." We were so excited to get the tree down, decorate it, as it was going to be something to behold, yet it wasn't there.  We were planning on something we didn't even have.

That is the way many people will experience Christmas.  They will think the magic and wonder is there, yet without Christ it will be a season of still looking and searching for more.  Be sure to make plans this Christmas that involves the greatest preparation of all.  Don't wait until the last minute, don't wait until it is too late.  Prepare now.  Don't just think that you might be a Christian, know it , and know it is for real.

1 John 5:13 (NKJV)
13  These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

Lord, I thank You that You made and chose a tree that would change my life.  The cross of Calvary.  Help us to live a life that is thankful for Your great love toward us. May folks not have to search for areas of our lives that look like a Christian, but may those characteristics be easy to spot and consistent with Your grace and mercy.

Thank you for Christmas, for coming to us... In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Speaking in Love

Recent discussions that are dominating social media seem to be attacks on each other. Labeling and mocking other believers and leaders does not picture the Christ of the Bible. If some didn't know better, they would think that other believers are the enemy, not the Devil.  As a pastor and as a christian, we don't have the luxury to just fire away at someone just because we believe differently, worship differently, or interpret scripture differently. That doesn't mean you have to accept error, but it does mean we are to show people the love of Christ.  What is taking place on a world wide stage like Facebook or Twitter  must have a lost world shaking their heads, or pushing them further away from Christ.  It seems that some how things have gotten to a point where criticizing has over shadowed loving.  I pray that God helps me to love people I may not agree with when it comes to my understanding of Scripture. I recognize this is much to learn and that one day the Lord will make it clear to all who have trusted Him as Lord and Savior.

People still need Jesus. Let's get back in the game that God has called us. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) 29  Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

It is a hard lesson at times, but we are to build up, not tear down.  If it is not imparting grace, even in disagreement, don't take it to a public forum to begin with, take it directly to the person with whom you disagree.  Instead of talking about each other, let's start talking to each other.

May the Lord  help us to love, forgive, ask for forgiveness, and move forward.  For the sake of the Gospel, let's get beyond this.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We Remember 9.11.01

Tom Tyler and I stood together eighteen years ago at a Bread Thrift Store in Mason, Ohio. We were picking up bread to deliver to New Life Mission following our Bread Sunday.  As we shopped, we were drawn to a TV screen in disbelief, and watched with the clerk.  America was under attack.  A central point in New York City, the twin towers, were in ruins,  as smoke and debris filled the air.  People who were not killed ran for their lives, many bloodied and scarred. Thousands died in collapsing, offices and stairways at the hands of terrorists who were flying planes into the buildings of innocent people.... all in the name of religion.  Their religion. The world, America, your town and my town, your life and my life, changed that day.  We recognized as President George W. Bush spoke to our country, we realized that life would never be the same.
How grateful we should be for the first responders, not just that day, but everyday.  Many lost their lives as victims, and as rescuers.  Each time we think about the horrific sight of that day, let us be grateful for those who continue to serve our country to protect us, and serve our communities ever single day.

I am grateful that Jesus didn't come to kill, but to save.  I am grateful He came to love and forgive , not hate.  Religion is a big word that can be very general at times.  The God of the Bible is who we follow.  Let us pray for those who lost loved ones on 9/11/01.  Let us remember those who lost their lives and those who gave their lives in the Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania. Remember those that served at the Pentagon. Let us remember the families that lost loved ones as some of those babies who lost parents are now young adults.

Let us keep the memory of this painful moment alive for those who don't even remember 2001.  Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose from the grave.  He is coming again.  Let's share that hope with as many that will listen.

Below is the first pitch thrown out in World Series Game 3 in New York. It was October 2001. Listen to the crowd.  On the heels of great loss there also arose a unified spirit in our country.
God help us return to working together in our nation, not always against each other.

Click on this link and relive that special moment.



Monday, August 5, 2019

Praying for the hurting!

Yesterday afternoon I lowered our church flags in memory of those who were killed in El Paso,Texas. They were also lowered because of the horror of watching my hometown of Dayton, Ohio on the national news as a gunman killed ten and injured a number of others in a shooting rampage early Sunday morning. I am grateful for the police officers who acted quickly, and courageously.  I am grateful for those first responders who run toward danger when we are trying to flee it.  They saved many lives.

It was awful and one thing to watch the news about El Paso, but to wake up to news that it happened again in Dayton.  That is where I grew up.  I used to work at the Main Post Office on Keowee and Fifth, and the Oregon district, the place of the shooting was just west of that location.

Today as families grieve and funeral arrangements begin to be made, they should be our first priority.  To help them take one step at a time. Sadly, politics seems to try to dominate or take advantage of crisis like this and it is a pitiful sight.  With everyone looking to blame someone or something, let us be reminded of the reason senseless things like this happen.  We live in a world of sin.  These acts of evil that we see happening around us is a reminder that Washington cannot fix this problem in the hearts of men.  Only God can.

We lift up every family affected by this wickedness.  We lift up the families of the shooters.  How they must hurt.

Dear Lord, we don't know why, but we know Who we can lean on and trust.  It is You.  Our Savior and Lord!  God send Revival.  Shake our nation, and let it begin with the people of God, let it begin with FSB Camden.  Let it begin in me.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Take-a-ways from Disney

We recently took a trip of a lifetime to Disney World in Orlando with our family which includes four grandsons. We had prepared for over a year and were super excited to see the most magical place on earth.  We visited four of the theme parks and had a special time at each.

One of those events was a "Bucket List" item for me and that was to ride Space Mountain with grandsons.  We did it and it was a blast.

Here are some take a ways from our trip.

1.  If you don't like being around people, don't go to Disney.  (I love full churches)

2. Disney workers are friendly, hard working, and courteous. (Let that be FSB Camden)

3. Tourists from America and all over the world can sometimes be the most rude people in the world.
     It seemed we were in an "only care about your own self crowd at times.
     (Let that not be FSB Camden)

4.  It is beautiful to see a kid laugh.  (May FSB Camden be full of this)

5.  Money is no object when  you get there.  You don't care what things cost. (Generous Giving)

6.  Do things with family now.  You never know what tomorrow will bring. (Love Your Family)

7. Bless your kids if you can. (A great privilege to be a mom and a dad)

8. Favorite Rides:
    In order:
  •    Avatar
  •    Soaring
  •    Space Mt.
  •    Mt. Everest Coaster
  •    Toy Story
  •    Star Wars 
  •    Space Mission
  •    Finding Nemo
We did get evacuated on Splash Mountain after riding the entire route.  It was scary for a bit, and felt like we were in a kind of mine.  Before we ascended to splash down, we were rescued and removed from the ride.  We were almost there.

We wore magic bands that gave us special privileges on some rides using a fast pass.

 Going to heaven requires a special pass, and Jesus died on Calvary to pay for our ticket. have you accepted His death, burial, and resurrection, by faith.  Ask Him to forgive you of your sin and save you today.

Bro. Greg

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Is it Worth it?

This year we made a move in the Vacation Bible School schedule taking it from the middle of July to this week of June, 23rd.  The reason was to simply  to free up the summer for folks to enjoy instead of cutting it right in half.  So far, so good!  VBS brings back great memories for me as a boy at North Dayton Baptist Church.  Then it seemed much more simple.  Bible story, craft, and then two cookies and some Kool -aid.  Now we have an entire team preparing treats nightly, along with stations of classroom Bible Study, Missions, Crafts, Worship Music, and Recreation.  It is a full night dedicated to sowing the seed of the Gospel into the hearts of these kids.

VBS is not easy.  It demands sacrifice, and commitment from the leadership down. It is not uncommon for workers to get frustrated and tired as the week rolls on, but it is worth it!
VBS is not a time for a Pastor or Staff to hide and coast.  It is an opportunity to mix, serve, and model hard work for your folks. Where else could you touch so many kids at once than in this setting. The kids will never forget these days though we may feel as if the week will not end.

I am grateful for every VBS worker and for those who are making this week special.  You are a blessing.

Is it worth it?  Absolutely!  We are having more kids and adults on campus this week than we have during the Sunday School hour.  Wednesday night is the time I will have the privilege to share the Gospel with these kids. While we are sharing the Gospel nightly, it is this night that I will draw the net,  as we pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to their hearts, I just can't help but think some of them are ready to say yes to Jesus! May the Lord bring many children to Himself this summer in VBS.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why I am Going to the SBC in Birmingham

I must admit, after twenty six years of pastoring and attending most of the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meetings, that over the past few years I have opted to stay at home, save the money, and watch online.  With Renee working and not able to travel with me like before, it became less appealing.  Maybe that is why it may be good to not attend every now and then and be reminded of why it is important to be there and be involved.

Pastors, we must admit, the friendships that are forged in ministry pick up right where you ended whenever you run into someone in the Convention Hall or Exhibit area.  It is a real blessing to catch up with old buddies and couples who have meant so much to us.

It is always a blessing as well to see some of our pulpit heroes and to be able to observe and often speak with them.  The convention is a reminder that the SBC is made up of churches of all sizes and demographics. Styles that vary from coast to coast, but preaching the Bible and the Gospel of Christ.

The Pastor's Conference has always been the highlight for me. Being fed, challenged, and encouraged are things everyone in ministry needs. Hearing preachers we are not always exposed to is a great blessing.

One reason I am going to Birmingham is that I look forward to seeing friends from all over the country, but there is also a another reason as well. We are welcoming new leadership to the SBC.  Men like Ronnie Floyd, Adam Greenway, J.D. Greear. and Lifeway's acting CEO Brad Waggoner are God's men for this moment.  They need our support.

I am excited to see NAMB bring in Johnny Hunt and Jim Law and the return to the roots of evangelism and missions. Under  Kevin Ezell's  leadership, The Send Networks and the Church Revitalization efforts with Mark Clifton seem to be sweeping the country and that is exciting to see and hear as churches are established, get back on their feet, and see souls saved.

As painful as it may seem, I am especially interested in hearing Russell Moore address the issues of abuse and neglect that we have been reading about, and how to prevent these awful things from happening in our church.   My desire is to finish well as we we know that the devil would love to bring down a ministry, a church, a preacher , however He can.

So, if the Lord wills, after Church on that June weekend, we will head south to attend the SBC Annual meeting.  I hope to see you there.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Urgency of "Your One"

Urgency has really hit home as we were saddened with a call from my dad , that Mom's brother Benn, in South Carolina was found dead in his home by his son Jack.  Benn was seventy, and here is the irony.  On March 9th, we had a surprise 80th birthday reunion for my mom in the cabins of the Smoky Mountains.  Benn and Jack were the first to arrive.  This picture is a compilation of the group that came.  Benn is in this picture.

This passed Sunday we launched our "Who's Your One Campaign."
I preached a message from Luke 15 and the value that Jesus places on the one.  I am grateful that as a fourteen year old boy, I met Christ and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.  while I have always enjoyed sharing the Gospel, I will admit that it isn't the normal default position.  It is a decision I must make daily and in the opportunities that God gives us.

Thirty days of praying for, spending time together, inviting, and sharing the Gospel with urgency.

When we opened in prayer at the party, I shared, it is wonderful to get together and it not be a funeral.  A time to celebrate.  Little did I know that in eleven days, one in the picture would no longer be with us.

I don't know if Benn is in heaven, but I do know that there is only one way to be sure and confident that when you die you will go to heaven.
  • It is by recognizing you are a sinner.  Romans 3:23, 
  • Realizing the wages of sin is death, Romans 6:23, 
  • Accepting that God loves you more than anything and that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sin.  Romans 5:8; John 3:16, 
  • By placing your faith in Christ and confessing Him as your Savior you shall be saved.   Romans 10:9-10, John 14:6
  • No one is good enough to go to heaven on your own and no one has done something bad enough that God can not forgive.  Romans 3;10-11; Romans10:13
  • Because of God's love , grace, and mercy you too can know that heaven will one day be your home. John 6:47., I John 5:13
I beg you to trust Christ if you are reading this and do not know Him.  You never know the last time we will all be together.

Monday, March 4, 2019

An Acts 16:31 Week!

This past week I witnessed Acts 16:31 as our Camden Police Chief led his family to faith in Christ and obedience through believer's baptism.

We pick it up at verse 22 as Paul and Silas preached Christ.

22  Then the multitude rose up together against them; and the magistrates tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten with rods. 23  And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. 24  Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. 25  But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26  Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and every one's chains were loosed. 27  And the keeper of the prison, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, drew his sword and was about to kill himself. 28  But Paul called with a loud voice, saying, "Do yourself no harm, for we are all here." 29  Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30  And he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" 31  So they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."32  Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. 33  And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. 34  Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household. 

This is a picture that a born again dad has on the spiritual lives of his family. While our faith never saves anyone else, when they see the difference that Jesus has made and is making  lives are impacted and the Holy Spirit moves.

The family also had a number of guests here to celebrate their step of obedience.
What a blessing to see God do that which only He can.

We praise the Lord for His goodness.

Until He comes....we will go!

Brother Greg

Monday, February 18, 2019


This morning I heard a newscaster say, "If you feel that it is tough to just get through a gray day, welcome to winter."  But the good news is that spring can't be that far away, and because of that we have hope.

Everyone needs hope.  It encourages, strengthens, motivates, and helps us through tough times.  when our hope is in men, we will at times be let down.  When it is in position, education, or things, we will ultimately be let down.  the wonderful thing about Christ is that He can give you what no other can, and that is lasting true, inner peace and hope.

James 4:13-17 (NKJV)
13  Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; 14  whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.15  Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."When we look and   plan for Spring to come if Jesus does not return first, it is all based on the hand of the Creator, our Savior and Lord.

  We are also praying about and having Fred Luter come for our Spring Revival April 1-3 this year.  We are in a for a real blessing and hope to see decisions for Christ.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Two Broken Legs Later.

As a boy, I used to love The Wide World of Sports." It had a catch phrase that always stuck out and it was "The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat."

 Here is a little of the back story from Wikipedia.com.   "The Thrill of Victory..."
The melodramatic introduction became a national catchphrase that is often heard to this day. While "the thrill of victory" had several symbols over the decades, ski jumper Vinko Bogataj, whose dreadful misjump and crash during a competition on March 21, 1970 was featured from the early 1970s onward heard over the sentence "...and the agony of defeat", became a hard-luck hero of sorts, and an affectionate icon for stunning failure. Previously, the footage played with that phrase was that of another ski jumper who made a long, almost successful jump, but whose skis lost vertical alignment shortly before landing, leading to a crash.

Twenty five years ago today, Martin Luther King Day, we took our then eight year old son Drew snow skiing for his inaugural trip.  A beautiful fresh powder had fallen.  For several hours we had a blast, then it happened.  He took a fall in front of us and we soon discovered by it's position that he had broken a leg.  In shock, we stood helpless as the Ski Patrol worked with him.  The lead young man looked at me with a glassy, stoic stare, then mumbled the words, I think his other one is broken also!

Two boot top fractures led to nine weeks in casts up to his thighs. Today,  praise the Lord that that eight year old boy healed fine, is thirty three, and now has two boys of his own, nine and soon to be seven.

God taught Renee and I a lot during that period of life.  One lesson was that just as Drew was helpless on that ski slope to do anything to immediately heal himself, men and women are still lost without Christ and unable to fix themselves. As a preacher of the Gospel isGod has called me to faithfully proclaim the Bible.  People need truth, and God's word provides it.

Secondly, if you are raising a child with special needs, you are a special person!  God has chosen you because of how dear you are to Him.  Don't quit, your child needs you more than ever and God can supply your source of strength when you feel as if you cannot go on.

Thank the Lord that as Dottie Rambo wrote, "He Looked Beyond My Faults and Saw my Need."

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...