One of those events was a "Bucket List" item for me and that was to ride Space Mountain with grandsons. We did it and it was a blast.
Here are some take a ways from our trip.
1. If you don't like being around people, don't go to Disney. (I love full churches)
2. Disney workers are friendly, hard working, and courteous. (Let that be FSB Camden)
3. Tourists from America and all over the world can sometimes be the most rude people in the world.
It seemed we were in an "only care about your own self crowd at times.
(Let that not be FSB Camden)
4. It is beautiful to see a kid laugh. (May FSB Camden be full of this)
5. Money is no object when you get there. You don't care what things cost. (Generous Giving)
6. Do things with family now. You never know what tomorrow will bring. (Love Your Family)
7. Bless your kids if you can. (A great privilege to be a mom and a dad)
8. Favorite Rides:
In order:
- Avatar
- Soaring
- Space Mt.
- Mt. Everest Coaster
- Toy Story
- Star Wars
- Space Mission
- Finding Nemo
We wore magic bands that gave us special privileges on some rides using a fast pass.
Going to heaven requires a special pass, and Jesus died on Calvary to pay for our ticket. have you accepted His death, burial, and resurrection, by faith. Ask Him to forgive you of your sin and save you today.
Bro. Greg