Monday, August 5, 2019

Praying for the hurting!

Yesterday afternoon I lowered our church flags in memory of those who were killed in El Paso,Texas. They were also lowered because of the horror of watching my hometown of Dayton, Ohio on the national news as a gunman killed ten and injured a number of others in a shooting rampage early Sunday morning. I am grateful for the police officers who acted quickly, and courageously.  I am grateful for those first responders who run toward danger when we are trying to flee it.  They saved many lives.

It was awful and one thing to watch the news about El Paso, but to wake up to news that it happened again in Dayton.  That is where I grew up.  I used to work at the Main Post Office on Keowee and Fifth, and the Oregon district, the place of the shooting was just west of that location.

Today as families grieve and funeral arrangements begin to be made, they should be our first priority.  To help them take one step at a time. Sadly, politics seems to try to dominate or take advantage of crisis like this and it is a pitiful sight.  With everyone looking to blame someone or something, let us be reminded of the reason senseless things like this happen.  We live in a world of sin.  These acts of evil that we see happening around us is a reminder that Washington cannot fix this problem in the hearts of men.  Only God can.

We lift up every family affected by this wickedness.  We lift up the families of the shooters.  How they must hurt.

Dear Lord, we don't know why, but we know Who we can lean on and trust.  It is You.  Our Savior and Lord!  God send Revival.  Shake our nation, and let it begin with the people of God, let it begin with FSB Camden.  Let it begin in me.

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...