Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We Remember 9.11.01

Tom Tyler and I stood together eighteen years ago at a Bread Thrift Store in Mason, Ohio. We were picking up bread to deliver to New Life Mission following our Bread Sunday.  As we shopped, we were drawn to a TV screen in disbelief, and watched with the clerk.  America was under attack.  A central point in New York City, the twin towers, were in ruins,  as smoke and debris filled the air.  People who were not killed ran for their lives, many bloodied and scarred. Thousands died in collapsing, offices and stairways at the hands of terrorists who were flying planes into the buildings of innocent people.... all in the name of religion.  Their religion. The world, America, your town and my town, your life and my life, changed that day.  We recognized as President George W. Bush spoke to our country, we realized that life would never be the same.
How grateful we should be for the first responders, not just that day, but everyday.  Many lost their lives as victims, and as rescuers.  Each time we think about the horrific sight of that day, let us be grateful for those who continue to serve our country to protect us, and serve our communities ever single day.

I am grateful that Jesus didn't come to kill, but to save.  I am grateful He came to love and forgive , not hate.  Religion is a big word that can be very general at times.  The God of the Bible is who we follow.  Let us pray for those who lost loved ones on 9/11/01.  Let us remember those who lost their lives and those who gave their lives in the Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania. Remember those that served at the Pentagon. Let us remember the families that lost loved ones as some of those babies who lost parents are now young adults.

Let us keep the memory of this painful moment alive for those who don't even remember 2001.  Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose from the grave.  He is coming again.  Let's share that hope with as many that will listen.

Below is the first pitch thrown out in World Series Game 3 in New York. It was October 2001. Listen to the crowd.  On the heels of great loss there also arose a unified spirit in our country.
God help us return to working together in our nation, not always against each other.

Click on this link and relive that special moment.


Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...