Monday, October 21, 2019

Speaking in Love

Recent discussions that are dominating social media seem to be attacks on each other. Labeling and mocking other believers and leaders does not picture the Christ of the Bible. If some didn't know better, they would think that other believers are the enemy, not the Devil.  As a pastor and as a christian, we don't have the luxury to just fire away at someone just because we believe differently, worship differently, or interpret scripture differently. That doesn't mean you have to accept error, but it does mean we are to show people the love of Christ.  What is taking place on a world wide stage like Facebook or Twitter  must have a lost world shaking their heads, or pushing them further away from Christ.  It seems that some how things have gotten to a point where criticizing has over shadowed loving.  I pray that God helps me to love people I may not agree with when it comes to my understanding of Scripture. I recognize this is much to learn and that one day the Lord will make it clear to all who have trusted Him as Lord and Savior.

People still need Jesus. Let's get back in the game that God has called us. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) 29  Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

It is a hard lesson at times, but we are to build up, not tear down.  If it is not imparting grace, even in disagreement, don't take it to a public forum to begin with, take it directly to the person with whom you disagree.  Instead of talking about each other, let's start talking to each other.

May the Lord  help us to love, forgive, ask for forgiveness, and move forward.  For the sake of the Gospel, let's get beyond this.

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

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