Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas and Why Jesus Came

Dear FSBC, what a great day in the Lord yesterday.  We were right at 200 in worship and continue to pray for some of our folks who are still battling, some getting stronger and some need prayer.
I appreciate a church that is Gospel, Bible preaching receptive.  It is not that way everywhere, and we don't take it for granted.  As a matter of fact, 2020 has taught us to take nothing for granted, and to appreciate everything that God does and is doing.

I also praise the Lord for the giving heart of FSBC as we went over the the Lottie Moon goal by giving over 6,500!!! We also  had a good number here last night to observe the Lord's Supper and to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Below is a devotion in regards to last night's Communion service and I hope you will let it challenge you.

One of my favorite traditions at Christmas regarding church is the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. At a time when celebrating the birth of Christ is so wonderful,  communion, or the Lord's Supper is a good reminder of why Jesus was born, and why He came.  At the last supper Jesus said, "As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of Me."  So in the celebration of His birth, we take time to remember His death.

It wasn't just enough that He was born and took on flesh and blood.  In order to be our advocate we need Him to be, He came to earth  and experienced everything you and I would ever go through.  While He created everything, He experienced everything, yet without sin.  As a carpenter, He dealt with everything.  He knew what temptation was, and once again, without sin.

Recently Renee shared a good question.  What about Joseph as Jesus grew up and went to the cross?
We don't know what happened to Joseph beyond Jesus turning 12.  It is possible that Jesus may have even experienced what it was like growing up in the home of a single parent.  You never know.  He understands all struggles.
I believe God has big plans for FSBC in 2021.  May we be found faithful.  May we Love God, love people, and serve people!

Remember this Christmas, recognize that God knows your greatest need , and He has the power to meet it.  Let's celebrate Jesus, and remember why He came.... for you and me!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Defining Moments

This past Sunday we had the blessing of doing something every grandparent prays for.  That was to be able to attend the baptism of our oldest grandson Aiden.  We have been praying for him and asking God to speak to his tender heart over these past few years and we praise the Lord for His goodness. It was  a blessing to hear Aiden read his testimony, be challenged by his Pastor, Uncle Stephen, and then identify with Christ, death burial, and resurrection. 

Baptism is to be a first public step for believers.  It doesn't save, but identifies you as part of  God's forever family. I believe we can sometimes downplay the importance of baptism, yet what a significant step to take as a child of the King.  Jesus was baptized without any need to to do it other than modeling for us its importance.  I encourage you to prayerfully consider being baptized by immersion if you have never submitted to it.  It will be a defining moment in your Christian walk.

Monday, September 21, 2020


The older I get , the more I appreciate the change of the seasons.  I love the spring, yet my favorite is the fall.  The crispness, the color change, the leaves, the harvest, the apples and cider, the fires, the football.  As a boy, I was a three sport kid.  Whatever was in season, baseball, basketball, football, that would be the sport I was  playing.  Young people, did you know that soccer was only a sport we watched on TV from Europe when I was a boy?

As a Pastor here in Camden for over twenty seven years, and a Papaw of four boys, I am in a different season personally and professionally.

Personally, our oldest grandson has recently been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.  It really has been hard to believe due to the fact that he has been so healthy. I believe God will use this in a great way in his life.  We all will be learning about the best way to help him manage and live with it. We spend our Saturdays, at some form of athletic event, cheering our guys and their teams on.  Win or lose, we don't want to miss this season in their lives.  Renee and I want them to look over at the sideline and see  grandparents that unconditionally love them....regardless.

As a Pastor, we are looking at ways to more effectively minister to our community.  Our theme is Love God...Love People...Serve People!  One thing we are about to change is our worship schedule.  October 4th, we will offer worship services at 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.  We will also be changing our evening service and moving it to Wednesday night at 6:33 P.M. beginning October 7th.  It is a new season. 

(Why 6:33?)  Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

This has been a hard decision for me personally as I have always had and wanted a Sunday night Service when most of my peers have eliminated it.  One reason I feel led to lead us in this direction now is to hit a target.  I think that expecting folks to come back on Sunday Evening, and them not returning helped me decide to move our Sunday night service to midweek .  We will treat the Wednesday night Service like a full blown worship service.  

We are about to kick off and it is time for us to suit up for a new season.  May Christ be glorified. 


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Unexpected Turns

This picture taken several years ago is one of my favorites of two of my grandsons, Koby and Jordy.  There are several indicators that this is a great day. 1) The look on their faces.  2) The surprise from unexpected turns. 3)Someone to share the journey with. 4) Somebody who loves me. (Mom and Dad behind the camera)

Look closely and you will see that Koby also has a brand new cast on his arm from a slip and slide fall, yet that did not stand in the way of jumping in car 7 and having a big time with his brother.

What they were not expecting was the whip around each turn that would take their stomachs.  Life is like that sometimes. It is full of unexpected turns, that just don't surprise us, but knock the wind out of us.

As a pastor, we certainly were not planning on having online services for over two months, roping off pews, wearing masks,  not having small groups or children's ministries.  All of these things were unexpected turns. 

As the world watches our lives and how the church responds, may we walk by faith, not by sight.  May the unexpected turns we encounter be a place to testify to the power of God for His glory.  remember their is joy in the journey.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Mask Wearing Christians

As we continue to navigate the unchartered territory of the Coronavirus here in 2020, what we had hoped for in a decrease of outbreaks has surged and now many states are making mask wearing mandatory in public places.  That has caused quite a stir.  Where do we come in as a church here at FSBC?

From the outset, we have encouraged masks, but they have not been mandatory. We have made plenty available and there is no shortage of masks it appears any more.
Some have been faithful to wear, while others have said no way.  Renee and I try to always wear a mask when we go out to shop or eat.  To the church let me remind us that this really is a small price to pay.  The medical community, first responders, and service personnel are wearing masks their entire shift.  We thank them for their tireless work to help us all live in a healthier environment.

Hiding behind a mask as a christian.

Have you ever been called or called someone else a hypocrite?  The word means to in essence wear a mask.  You are hiding who you really are. You are pretending to be something you are not.  That is a daily battle in my life, I don't know about you.  The Devil wants us to pretend that we are something we are not.  I have been guilty of that, how about you?   One way you and I can walk securely and peacefully is by removing any mask and being transparent, first of all before the Lord, and secondly before others.

In a Francis Chan's excerpt, Fruit that Lasts in Daniel Henderson's  "Old Paths, New Power", Chan writes, "Most preachers don't want to sound dumb.  Rather than doing what Paul did, which was to make himself sound less than what he is, I'm always trying to sound more intelligent than I am, more godly.  Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 2:2   For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Paul did not depend on himself .but on the power of God through him and in him.

Let's pitch the mask of hypocrisy and wear tangible masks during this COVID-19.  Not just for ourselves, but for others.  That isn't too much to ask.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

On the Air!

COVID - 19 has changed our way of life, we may never return to the way it used to be.  As a pastor in a local church, I truly hope we don't return to normal.  For many, normal included to be operating on cruise control.  Doing all we could with all we have.  The results often seemed lacking and wanting more. We had begun to settle for good, and by doing that, missing God's best.

The Stay at Home orders were something new for all of us. Looking in the rear view mirror, something we all needed.  As one recently told me, "a spiritual reset." To think that we would go six straight weeks without meeting seemed like a mere dream.  Here we are, six weeks later, longing to get back together.  Seeing each other, worshiping together and opening the word of God together.

We pray for everyone who has lost a loved one through this.  We pray for all of those trying to get through and over this virus.  Those in the medical field, we thank you for your daily sacrifice for us.  To first responders we thank you for running to danger on our behalf.

Preaching to a camera, or through a camera in an empty auditorium is a lot like flying weekly in business.  It is not as glamorous as it seems.  Oh, how I long to hear a live amen and praise the Lord!  How I have missed singing the songs of heaven together lifting up the name of Jesus.

We went nearly overnight to not having a video presence to one that has progressively gotten better.  We recognize the importance of presenting our services online to an audience we didn't even know we had.  Thanks to all that has made this happen. Sunday School classes and small groups have taken advantage of Zoom to keep together and I praise the Lord for the tools we have to do this.

When we record our messages and the light goes red, we are on the air.  There is no dress rehearsal.  We are hot and now recording.  Let us remember that life is the same way.  This is our oportunity.  Let's make the most of it for the glory of God!

Can't wait to see you as we hope to return soon.

Love people...serve people!

Bro. Greg

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Never in a Million Years!

WHAT? This Easter will certainly be one we will never forget due to the fact that we have to meet online rather than assembling together at the Corner of Hope in Camden.  Since the end of March we have joined thousands of churches in moving our worship platform temporarily to YouTube, Website, and Facebook. While we are anxious and eager to return together, God is using this tool in a wonderful way. We have received great feedback.

For many churches, they broadcast weekly and it wasn't such a big deal. Some ministries are on TV.  The quality they present is pure quality at 1080HD.  For us and many, that may not be so.   It had to happen fast, and we had to learn on the fly with the equipment that we have.  I am grateful to Nathan Johnson for leading a tremendous transition for us to be able to present weekly services. We are thankful to Marcia and the Praise Team, as well as Tonya and Brian George for being here to tape for our website as well.  God continues to use people.

As the worship team and Joel can attest, when the camera comes on, it is time to go, and it has reminded me of the importance of our target in worship.  An audience of One.  That is, if we please God in our worship, the other things will fall in to place.  He is our audience of One! Our worship and service is not some form of a show or performance, it is worship.  Presented to the Lord for His glory.

While hoping that the quarantine to not meet together is lifted soon, we really don't know when.  May we rest assured that God has a plan, is using this, and I believe that Revival is ripe to bust wide open here in Camden, and in our nation.

This stay at home order also causes a trickle down affect, not just in the economy but in the structure of supporting missions through our church.  Our Association, State Convention, The North American Mission Board, Annie Armstrong Easter Mission Offering, and the International Mission Board are all suffering from the Churches in the SBC not being able to meet together.
How blessed we are now to have the platform to give online at  It has already shown to be a positive tool for giving by many of our folks.

May the Lord bless you all in a special way this year.  remember that the most important thing is that the tomb is empty.  The Church is just empty....for now.

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Prayer in the Midst of the Storm

A Prayer to begin this day.

Lord as I wake up this morning and get started,  before my feet hit the floor, I thank you for this day.  I thank You because You have given us so many wonderful days. Yet as we wake, we are asking, what has happened overnight and what is coming our way. Thank You for being a God who is in control, as we are in a season that is way out of our control. You are forcing us to recognize our total dependence on You once again, not just a lost world but us, the Church. Everything that is important is stepping forward, and the trivial things of life are dimming a bit.

Lord I pray for our church family today.  Whether a Senior Adult or a child, I pray that You give peace.  Victory over the unknown and victory over fear.  We pray for our Seniors, help us meet needs. We pray for our church body who work in the medical field.  I pray for Dr. Hoke, that you use him and protect him as he serves so many faithfully.  I pray that everyone who needs to be tested has the availability. We pray for the president and all leaders working on this. God we pray for a miracle that cannot be described, but You.  Let this be a time in an election year that politics loses and that people really do come together.

We are walking in waters we have never been. Give me a spirit of encouragement, and hush the spirit of doomsday.  Especially from us as believers.  May we trust in the God we worship,  preach, teach, and sing about each week.  Forgive us for our lack of faith. May our children rise up and be encouraged by our faith!  A better day is coming.

Give me wisdom, Lord give us wisdom, as we meet together as Pastor and Deacons tomorrow night. Give us direction that glorifies You first and is in the best interest of the health of our folks.  Dear God, as we keep hearing that everything is closed except the essentials, help us not treat and act like worship and being together is like everything else, as something that is not essential.  On the other hand, we want to make sure that we are a testimony to our community and do what is safe and right.

I pray for the heart of our church, whether it is a week or many weeks before all of us are back together. Help us not lose sight of each other, and help us all to be on mission, by a perhaps a call, a text, a visit to someone who we know may live alone or needs a hand.  Help us not forget our parents!

Lord, if we have to live stream or video our services, give us the know how to make that happen. May we continue to be in the Word and fed the Word and in prayer during this time of uncertainty.  May we continue to be faithful to giving and supporting the church even in a time of absence.

Lord Jesus, replace fear with faith. Replace confusion with confidence, and may You use this as a catalyst to a great awakening like we have never seen.  May many come to You to be saved, and may the Church turn back to You in full surrender,
In Jesus' name amen.  Bro. Greg

Joshua 1:9 (NKJV)
9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Living Scared

I have often said, "If I were not a Christian in today's culture, I would be sacred based on everything that is happening." As I write, the Coronavirus continues to affect the world, America, and now we have reports here in Ohio.  The Stock Market is rapidly falling, and not only does that affect our economy, it affects many of us who have been saving and planning for the future.  We are living in uncertain times.

But, be of good cheer.  God is on the throne and in charge.  He doesn't see these hurdles as big, or as something He needs to react to. I love the fact that nothing has ever occurred to God nor has He ever viewed a problem as big.  Perhaps God will let a time of testing help us make up our minds about how small we are, and how big He is.

In a time of crisis, people may be prone to do one of two things.  We can either run away from Him, or run to Him, or for some, back to Him.  In this season of Lent as Easter approaches, may we cling to the Christ of that old rugged cross.  May we be ready and willing to share the hope we have in Him for His glory this season of hope. Many folks may be living scared.  Let's share the peace that only Christ can bring.

May we live for Him as He died for us. He is risen!  He is my reason to live!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Power of Prayer

As we get near the halfway point of our Church wide 40 Days of Prayer, here are a few reflections I have so far.

 1.  There is power in prayer.  Over the past few weeks we have witnessed several folks give their lives to Christ.  We praise the Lord! God continues to give us opportunities to share the greatest thing that has ever happened to us.

2. The Devil gets busy when a church starts praying.  Satan leaves a sleeping church alone.  He wants to deceive us into thinking things are ok.
How does the Devil operate?  I may not understand it all, but I have witnessed a few things in the local church that is praying.

3. The Devil wants our Church to be anything but a house of prayer. When we are not praying, we are trusting in ourselves and in our own ability. When we are praying, we are asking a Holy God to do what we cannot do ourselves.

 Prayer is a discipline.  It should be a priority, not an afterthought.
  • The Devil wants to disrupt unity.
  • Sin makes me think that only others need to pray.
  • Prayer takes time.  Don't be in a hurry.             
  • As a Pastor, I need to lead in example what I preach.
  • Great moves of God have always been preceded in prayer.  We cannot think that somehow we are an exception.
  • We need to spend more time in corporate worship praying.
  • Heartfelt prayer will make me uncomfortable at times. While the Holy Spirit is our wonderful friend, conviction is not pleasant at times. It can be painful to get honest with God.
  • Reading about great moves of God encourage me as a pastor and as a church.
  • We must pray in faith, trusting and believing.
  • Seeing people on their knees at the altar was a great blessing to me Sunday.
  • Prayer meeting seems to thin the crowd out, but God begins in the life of one person.
Lord, let that one be me, and let Your Church here in Camden, experience a divine move of Your mighty hand.  Shake me Lord.  Shake us Lord!  Shake Camden! In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...