1. There is power in prayer. Over the past few weeks we have witnessed several folks give their lives to Christ. We praise the Lord! God continues to give us opportunities to share the greatest thing that has ever happened to us.
2. The Devil gets busy when a church starts praying. Satan leaves a sleeping church alone. He wants to deceive us into thinking things are ok.
How does the Devil operate? I may not understand it all, but I have witnessed a few things in the local church that is praying.
3. The Devil wants our Church to be anything but a house of prayer. When we are not praying, we are trusting in ourselves and in our own ability. When we are praying, we are asking a Holy God to do what we cannot do ourselves.
Prayer is a discipline. It should be a priority, not an afterthought.
- The Devil wants to disrupt unity.
- Sin makes me think that only others need to pray.
- Prayer takes time. Don't be in a hurry.
- As a Pastor, I need to lead in example what I preach.
- Great moves of God have always been preceded in prayer. We cannot think that somehow we are an exception.
- We need to spend more time in corporate worship praying.
- Heartfelt prayer will make me uncomfortable at times. While the Holy Spirit is our wonderful friend, conviction is not pleasant at times. It can be painful to get honest with God.
- Reading about great moves of God encourage me as a pastor and as a church.
- We must pray in faith, trusting and believing.
- Seeing people on their knees at the altar was a great blessing to me Sunday.
- Prayer meeting seems to thin the crowd out, but God begins in the life of one person.