Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Prayer in the Midst of the Storm

A Prayer to begin this day.

Lord as I wake up this morning and get started,  before my feet hit the floor, I thank you for this day.  I thank You because You have given us so many wonderful days. Yet as we wake, we are asking, what has happened overnight and what is coming our way. Thank You for being a God who is in control, as we are in a season that is way out of our control. You are forcing us to recognize our total dependence on You once again, not just a lost world but us, the Church. Everything that is important is stepping forward, and the trivial things of life are dimming a bit.

Lord I pray for our church family today.  Whether a Senior Adult or a child, I pray that You give peace.  Victory over the unknown and victory over fear.  We pray for our Seniors, help us meet needs. We pray for our church body who work in the medical field.  I pray for Dr. Hoke, that you use him and protect him as he serves so many faithfully.  I pray that everyone who needs to be tested has the availability. We pray for the president and all leaders working on this. God we pray for a miracle that cannot be described, but You.  Let this be a time in an election year that politics loses and that people really do come together.

We are walking in waters we have never been. Give me a spirit of encouragement, and hush the spirit of doomsday.  Especially from us as believers.  May we trust in the God we worship,  preach, teach, and sing about each week.  Forgive us for our lack of faith. May our children rise up and be encouraged by our faith!  A better day is coming.

Give me wisdom, Lord give us wisdom, as we meet together as Pastor and Deacons tomorrow night. Give us direction that glorifies You first and is in the best interest of the health of our folks.  Dear God, as we keep hearing that everything is closed except the essentials, help us not treat and act like worship and being together is like everything else, as something that is not essential.  On the other hand, we want to make sure that we are a testimony to our community and do what is safe and right.

I pray for the heart of our church, whether it is a week or many weeks before all of us are back together. Help us not lose sight of each other, and help us all to be on mission, by a perhaps a call, a text, a visit to someone who we know may live alone or needs a hand.  Help us not forget our parents!

Lord, if we have to live stream or video our services, give us the know how to make that happen. May we continue to be in the Word and fed the Word and in prayer during this time of uncertainty.  May we continue to be faithful to giving and supporting the church even in a time of absence.

Lord Jesus, replace fear with faith. Replace confusion with confidence, and may You use this as a catalyst to a great awakening like we have never seen.  May many come to You to be saved, and may the Church turn back to You in full surrender,
In Jesus' name amen.  Bro. Greg

Joshua 1:9 (NKJV)
9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Living Scared

I have often said, "If I were not a Christian in today's culture, I would be sacred based on everything that is happening." As I write, the Coronavirus continues to affect the world, America, and now we have reports here in Ohio.  The Stock Market is rapidly falling, and not only does that affect our economy, it affects many of us who have been saving and planning for the future.  We are living in uncertain times.

But, be of good cheer.  God is on the throne and in charge.  He doesn't see these hurdles as big, or as something He needs to react to. I love the fact that nothing has ever occurred to God nor has He ever viewed a problem as big.  Perhaps God will let a time of testing help us make up our minds about how small we are, and how big He is.

In a time of crisis, people may be prone to do one of two things.  We can either run away from Him, or run to Him, or for some, back to Him.  In this season of Lent as Easter approaches, may we cling to the Christ of that old rugged cross.  May we be ready and willing to share the hope we have in Him for His glory this season of hope. Many folks may be living scared.  Let's share the peace that only Christ can bring.

May we live for Him as He died for us. He is risen!  He is my reason to live!

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...