Saturday, April 11, 2020

Never in a Million Years!

WHAT? This Easter will certainly be one we will never forget due to the fact that we have to meet online rather than assembling together at the Corner of Hope in Camden.  Since the end of March we have joined thousands of churches in moving our worship platform temporarily to YouTube, Website, and Facebook. While we are anxious and eager to return together, God is using this tool in a wonderful way. We have received great feedback.

For many churches, they broadcast weekly and it wasn't such a big deal. Some ministries are on TV.  The quality they present is pure quality at 1080HD.  For us and many, that may not be so.   It had to happen fast, and we had to learn on the fly with the equipment that we have.  I am grateful to Nathan Johnson for leading a tremendous transition for us to be able to present weekly services. We are thankful to Marcia and the Praise Team, as well as Tonya and Brian George for being here to tape for our website as well.  God continues to use people.

As the worship team and Joel can attest, when the camera comes on, it is time to go, and it has reminded me of the importance of our target in worship.  An audience of One.  That is, if we please God in our worship, the other things will fall in to place.  He is our audience of One! Our worship and service is not some form of a show or performance, it is worship.  Presented to the Lord for His glory.

While hoping that the quarantine to not meet together is lifted soon, we really don't know when.  May we rest assured that God has a plan, is using this, and I believe that Revival is ripe to bust wide open here in Camden, and in our nation.

This stay at home order also causes a trickle down affect, not just in the economy but in the structure of supporting missions through our church.  Our Association, State Convention, The North American Mission Board, Annie Armstrong Easter Mission Offering, and the International Mission Board are all suffering from the Churches in the SBC not being able to meet together.
How blessed we are now to have the platform to give online at  It has already shown to be a positive tool for giving by many of our folks.

May the Lord bless you all in a special way this year.  remember that the most important thing is that the tomb is empty.  The Church is just empty....for now.

Happy Easter!

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...