As a Pastor here in Camden for over twenty seven years, and a Papaw of four boys, I am in a different season personally and professionally.
Personally, our oldest grandson has recently been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. It really has been hard to believe due to the fact that he has been so healthy. I believe God will use this in a great way in his life. We all will be learning about the best way to help him manage and live with it. We spend our Saturdays, at some form of athletic event, cheering our guys and their teams on. Win or lose, we don't want to miss this season in their lives. Renee and I want them to look over at the sideline and see grandparents that unconditionally love them....regardless.
As a Pastor, we are looking at ways to more effectively minister to our community. Our theme is Love God...Love People...Serve People! One thing we are about to change is our worship schedule. October 4th, we will offer worship services at 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. We will also be changing our evening service and moving it to Wednesday night at 6:33 P.M. beginning October 7th. It is a new season.
(Why 6:33?) Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
This has been a hard decision for me personally as I have always had and wanted a Sunday night Service when most of my peers have eliminated it. One reason I feel led to lead us in this direction now is to hit a target. I think that expecting folks to come back on Sunday Evening, and them not returning helped me decide to move our Sunday night service to midweek . We will treat the Wednesday night Service like a full blown worship service.
We are about to kick off and it is time for us to suit up for a new season. May Christ be glorified.