Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas and Why Jesus Came

Dear FSBC, what a great day in the Lord yesterday.  We were right at 200 in worship and continue to pray for some of our folks who are still battling, some getting stronger and some need prayer.
I appreciate a church that is Gospel, Bible preaching receptive.  It is not that way everywhere, and we don't take it for granted.  As a matter of fact, 2020 has taught us to take nothing for granted, and to appreciate everything that God does and is doing.

I also praise the Lord for the giving heart of FSBC as we went over the the Lottie Moon goal by giving over 6,500!!! We also  had a good number here last night to observe the Lord's Supper and to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Below is a devotion in regards to last night's Communion service and I hope you will let it challenge you.

One of my favorite traditions at Christmas regarding church is the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. At a time when celebrating the birth of Christ is so wonderful,  communion, or the Lord's Supper is a good reminder of why Jesus was born, and why He came.  At the last supper Jesus said, "As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of Me."  So in the celebration of His birth, we take time to remember His death.

It wasn't just enough that He was born and took on flesh and blood.  In order to be our advocate we need Him to be, He came to earth  and experienced everything you and I would ever go through.  While He created everything, He experienced everything, yet without sin.  As a carpenter, He dealt with everything.  He knew what temptation was, and once again, without sin.

Recently Renee shared a good question.  What about Joseph as Jesus grew up and went to the cross?
We don't know what happened to Joseph beyond Jesus turning 12.  It is possible that Jesus may have even experienced what it was like growing up in the home of a single parent.  You never know.  He understands all struggles.
I believe God has big plans for FSBC in 2021.  May we be found faithful.  May we Love God, love people, and serve people!

Remember this Christmas, recognize that God knows your greatest need , and He has the power to meet it.  Let's celebrate Jesus, and remember why He came.... for you and me!

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...