Tuesday, December 7, 2021



Tis the Season to Serve

When we head in to the holidays as a church, there is so much excitement about getting to serve our community in a special way.
What a blessing to see the church come together.  It began at Trunk or Treat in October as Kasia put together a wonderful night. The Church was then to be able to offer another great meal for Thanksgiving.  Joetta and Wendy planned so well with a committed group of volunteers. To be able to partner with Williams Blvd. Baptist in Kenner, Louisiana after Hurricane Ida has been a real blessing.That came as we were being part of Operation Christmas Child once again and 226 boxes later.  Amy Circle McIntosh and her girls with over 100 of those.  What a ministry! 

Recently we had a guest come and the need was recognized for a new winter coat and immediately the Men's Sunday School Class met the need.  We have watched our funeral hospitality team led by Regina and Don Bridge continue to bless families who have lost loved ones with a wonderful meal. (Will do it twice this week) We have lost nine members since September. (Malcolm Paxton, Norma Woods, Dick Fritzsche, Troy Sullivan, Gene Sandlin, Darold Chaney, Majorie Crouch,and this week Raleigh Melton and Elaine Vivian.)  Pray for all of these families and those spending their first Christmas with an empty seat at the table. Thank you all for never complaining when it comes to helping those who are grieving. Only when we are in their shoes, will we understand the importance of the blessing this ministry is. Roy and Cathy keep our food pantry stocked and we were blessed by National Trail and Preble Shawnee with donations this year. These ministries represent us. FSBCamden.

We have had generous gifts given, some from folks who don't attend wanting to help others have a better Christmas. We are now getting ready to collect items for the Buckets of Joy for our Shut Ins.  This was a ministry that began a long time ago with Dorothy Holland and Edith Colclasure, then Nancy Coon, making something special to pass out to those unable to get out. Betty Clevenger has been so faithful over the years to not forget those at home.
Then  it comes to a crescendo as we give to Lottie Moon to help support International Missionaries in a Victory March on Dec. 19th.  Our goal is 6,033. (Oh Yes...Bob and Keith will be ready for treat bag Sunday!)
Marcia working hard with all three choirs for Christmas, Kasia, her Team, and the Youth continue to get stronger and stronger, Amber Rogers doing a great job as our  Nursery Ministry Director with a dedicated team, and Terry Moore and her team faitfhfully leading Children's Church each week.
Faithful folks doing sound and video, along with a worship team leading us weekly.  Ron Super and a group of faithful teachers leading each week. Safety team faithfully serving each week. Linda managing our prayer chain and keeping us focused. Judy faithfully managing the office doing such a great job.
Jay and Donna keeping our buildings looking great. The Decorating Team  decorated so beautifully for the season!

Why mention names, as often I don't?   Because this represents all of us.  Serving the Lord through His church.  When we all desire to have our focus upon Jesus, we don't compete against one another, but team together. We partner together to serve for His glory. So when someone leads, amen.  When someone serves, amen. When a trashcan is emptied, amen.  It is not who does it, but that it gets done. This is us.  This is who God has called us to be.  Servants for His glory.

Why did Jesus come?  He told us in Luke 19:10 "  for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."
He chose to come as a servant and models that for us.
 One group I haven't mentioned are the Deacons.  They are the picture of servants. Their wives as well are behind the scenes many times serving for us.

Christmas time is a busy time as many will be helped because you are part of a church desiring to serve and to share the hope that comes only in Jesus.
We will help many this Christmas that you won't hear about, but we represent you.  Remember, it is always the season to serve.

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Reality of Grief


Over the past several weeks we have experienced something to say the least, has been overwhelming.  In a period of six days we lost members, Malcolm Paxton, Gene Sandlin, Troy Sullivan, and Darold Chaney. Each a member of the church, leaving wonderful families, and all happened very suddenly after battling different illnesses. This past Saturday we received word that our Brother, Fred Hurley had gone home to be with the Lord.

Families, and many in the church are all grieving. Some of these had lived great long lives, but losing a loved one is never easy, regardless.

While we claim the promises of Scripture, it does bring comfort to know our loved one is not suffering.  It brings joy to realize that our faith has become sight and the promise of Heaven is a reality.

Saturday marked thirty seven years since Renee's dad passed away.  I don't believe there is a day that goes by that she doesn't think about him or long to see him.

Grief is real, and we lift up our church family.  What a blessing to see our folks serving and ministering through meals and meeting needs during this time of great loss.

These are the lyrics from a Mike Bowling Family song entitled,

"The People That God Gives You"

I got the call this morning
I can't believe he's gone
Thought he'd be here forever
But one more time, time proved me wrong

It was just a week ago
Thought I should call and say Hello
Now I'm reminded once again
Life's a vapor in the wind

Love the people that God gives you
They're a gift that Heaven sent
Live and laugh and make some memories
Treasure every moment spent
Cause none of us are here forever
That's a proven fact
Love the people that God gives you
Cause one day, he'll want them back

Each day the mirror tells the story
I wonder where the time has gone
Children laughing round the table
They now have children of their own
There may be things you need to say
So why today is still today
You have the chance to hold them close
One more chance to let them know

Love the people that God gives you
They're a gift that Heaven sent
Live and laugh and make some memories
Treasure every moment spent
Cause none of us are here forever
That's a proven fact
Love the people that God gives you
Cause one day, he'll want them back

Oh the list keeps getting longer
Friends and family that i miss
But when I think about what matters most
It all comes down to this

None of us are here forever
That's a proven fact
Love the people that God gives you
Cause one day, he'll want them back

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

70th Year Church Anniversary

I have waited  a day to get my thoughts in order regarding the tremendous celebration that took place Sunday.
Thank you to everyone who planned, prayed and served to do a wonderful job to make sure it would be a weekend to remember.
It was good to all be together with a great crowd, and we have had some great reports regarding those who were able to watch online including Rosalie Castleberry the daughter of former pastor Howard Meadors.

Beginning with a baptism, we praise the Lord for Kaleesi Lyon.  Ronnie Floyd was such a blessing to get to know and to here.  He was so encouraging to us.  
He told me if he lived here he would join our church :) He may say that everywhere , but it was nice to hear.,"What is the Great Commission?" Was the title and theme of His message.  Jesus last charge in the gospels to His disciples.

The afternoon meal was five star provided by Wendy Mann and her team!  Wow!  It was perfect, and then another great crowd stayed for the Homecoming service.
The music was so fun and a blessing as Marcia took us on a journey of choir, praise team, quartet, and congregational singing.  It was like a Gaither Homecoming singing as she incorporated many different people. We loved it, and I sensed the folks did too.

Beulah Whitesell did an outstanding job of sharing our history.  If you didn't know anything about the church, her presentation made you feel like you were there.  Fred Cummings wrapped it up with a great word as we finished the little over two hour celebration.

 Those who were in the sound room and doing the media, great job on a crazy, busy, day.

Thanks to Keith Ballinger and Don Bridge who worked most of the day yesterday breaking down and putting things up.

Thank you for letting me be your Pastor.  It is a joy, and we have much to do for the Lord.  Bro. Greg

Monday, June 28, 2021

Winning and Losing Together


This past weekend after church on Sunday, I was able to attend our oldest grandson Aiden's championship little league game.  Down one in the last inning we had a man on third.  It had been a great game.  On a wild pitch our player tried to score from third and was tagged out to end the game.  The player who was batting was our grandson.  He would not have a chance to be the hero or make the game ending out.  His opportunity had been taken from him.

Little leaguers handle wins and losses differently.  Some were frustrated and disappointed.  Others were marked with tears trickling down dirt covered faces.  Some seem to not be affected at all.

What we learn in moments of adversity is that we win ... and lose... together!  That is a lesson that we, the body of Christ can learn from a group of 11U ball players.

We are prone to point fingers, blame someone else, deflect what went wrong, while taking no responsibility.  I have heard it said that as a pastor, share the praise publicly, and address the criticism privately.  What that means to me is to acknowledge people when you see Jesus in their lives, and it also tells me to not  humiliate someone when they mess up.  We all we will need some grace from others in our lives, so let's make sure we are passing out plenty of it on this journey called life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School brings back great memories for me.  The Bible stories that came to life, the crafts we would spend hard minutes on and of course the snacks.  Ours consisted of Kool aid and two cookies.  The best I ever had. 

Lois Baker was my teacher several years and she always made it fun, but one thing always stood out above the other activities. She always had us in the Word of God and learning the Word of God. We were even gifted to learn the books of the Bible. Really, she was AWANA when AWANA wasn't cool.

I am grateful once again for all of the volunteers we have here at FSBCamden who will be pouring into our kids once again in our 2021 V.B.S.  Last year we were unable to have it do to COVID-19, and this summer is shaping up to be a great week.  Would you pray for us as we share Christ this year the week of June 6-11 from 6-8:30 P.M. each night.  Pray for the heart of each attender and their family.  Pray for the workers and help us see that this week of missions is crucial in the life of young people.

Love God.Love People.Serve People.  Bro. Greg

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Grave is Empty, the Hope of Man!

I love being a Pastor, and preaching around the season of the greatest love story ever known, Easter, we have the privilege to see folks that may not have been here in a while.  I love it.  It is Jesus who brings us all together.  It is His blood that unites believers down through the corridors of history.

In Egypt, it would be the blood that would cause the death angel to Passover, and today, it is still the blood, not the blood of animals, but the precious blood of our sinless Savior Jesus. the blood that washes us clean and paid our debt for sin.

Easter represents big church crowds, for some new clothing, family gatherings, and great meals.  But may we be reminded that Easter is all about Jesus.  His love for us, an old rugged cross, and an empty, vacant tomb.  He lives, and because He lives, we can too!

Over a year ago, we had to close the doors for several weeks from mid March to the second week of May.  Boy did we learn a lot.  The biggest lesson for Renee and I was how much we love you, our church family.  Now as folks begin to slowly come back, it is almost as if we are restarting and it is exciting.

Join us this Easter, April 4th for worship at 8:30 and 10:30 A.M. and come here the greatest love story ever known!  

We are also excited about Revival with David Burton, beginning April 11-14th. Our plans are to baptize on Easter and I can't wait to see you!


Monday, February 15, 2021



Hebrews 12:1-2 (NKJV)
1  Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2  looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

This picture really inspired me to think about life and the past eleven months.  When life is overwhelming what do you do and where do you begin?

For me, God has taught me to get on my knees more. While some things have stayed the same, many things have absolutely been turned upside down. While we have been shaken, our God has not.

Look at this guy in the picture. Some personal statements that would go through my mind would be:

  •  Are You kidding me?
  •  Really?
  •  This is useless!
  •  I quit!
  • Where is everybody?
  • God is this what I was called to do as a pastor?

And then He speaks.  Take one shovel at a time and I will get you there. He represents many pastors and those in ministry who have not quit.  Doing what they know to do, being faithful, and still slinging snow. 

Sunday, by Sunday, video by video, God is still on the throne and worthy to pursue.  Slowly, one shovel at a time, some progress is starting to be made.  A few Sundays ago , I could see it as we went over 215 combined in worship.  Nursery back, Children's church now functioning with all sails set on March 7 for the return of Small Groups, then pow!  Frigid temps, snowfall after snowfall and people forced to stay in.

The excitement that I have to see our entire church family reunited and back together is growing daily.

So when life overwhelms you, where do you begin?  By taking one step of faith, one step, one shovel of snow, and then going to the the next.

Somewhere out there, a person has a heavier load, harder circumstances, more difficult health challenges, and continues to serve the Lord.  May we not quit as we finish our race for the Master.

Two Cookies and a cup of Kool-Aid

  This is the third or fourth year we have moved our Vacation Bible School in to the month of June and we like it. Even though it is not too...