Monday, February 22, 2010

What's In Your Sink?

Psalm 51:7
Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean, wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Snow was going to be my theme to share about this verse, mainly due to the fact that most Ohioans have seen enough this winter, but as I was preparing to shave, the Lord simply placed a thought in my heart in regards to my spiritual life, by using a washcloth.

The water was turned on, and the cloth laid in the bottom of the sink. I was anticipating a hot, lathery shave, so I waited. As the water ran, I picked it up carefully to not get burned, but discovered the water had not heated up and the rag was saturated with cold water.

As the faucet now began to transform into warm and now hot water, I knew I needed to get rid of the cold that was retained in the cloth, so I rang it out.

Sometimes our christian lives are like wash rags. We want to be hot for God, yet we are still saturated with cold and lukewarm spiritual water. For revival to come we need to allow the Lord to ring us out so that we are ready and receptive soil to hear from Him.

The cloth may feel like hyssop sometimes, an abrasive stone, but as the Lord cleanses, our hearts can be pure, just as white as the new fallen snow.

Any cold water lingering in your spiritual wash cloth? Give it to the Lord today!

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