Recently in a devotion on Psalms by retired IMB President Jerry Rankin, Psalm 39 reminded me of how fragile and swift.....how short life really is. He shared that his thoughts were always focused on what was ahead of him and what he will do someday.
Aren't we all a little like that? Spiritually it can come in the form of putting off telling someone about Christ, or calling or visiting a person who has been on your mind. For me personally it can come in the form of fixing something or cleaning up something (such as the famous garage you have heard about.) One day; tomorrow; when I am on vacation; then I will will do it! You know what I mean, we all can fall into the slippery pit of "I get around to it later." I don't know about you, but I can live in that world sometimes and not think a thing about it.
Dr. Rankin goes on to say, that now that he is in retirement, he is not thinking so much about what is ahead of him, but that he has so little time left to do what he wants to do. It is that vapor that James 4:14 mentions, while Psalm 90:12 says to teach us to number our days that we may present to thee a heart of wisdom.
With another birthday you may be at that point where you suddenly realize that time is fleeting. I know I am. What have you been putting off that needs to happen today? Is it reconciliation with a family member or friend? It is trusting the Lord to help you share the gospel with a relative or neighbor. Let's try to finish our lives living with no regret and no missed opportunity.
You can begin today, go ahead , start now.
P.S. Disclaimer!! (The picture above is not my garage)
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