As today's calendar marks the anniversary of this horrific event, we don't celebrate the thousands who lost their lives to this senseless act, nor do we celebrate with the families who were left behind. What we do is we pray for those affected. Whose lives were changed forever.
I remember going to the Preble Shawnee football game that Friday, as we played Dixie in New Lebanon. One of the first public events post 9/11. Pastor Jim Wharton offered a sweet prayer over the public address microphone as the band prepared to play the National Anthem. As we stood there, a large plane was making it's way into the Dayton airport. It was a surreal moment, as if time nearly stood still.
Isn't it amazing that prayer has been labeled a threat to America by many, even by
many in leadership, yet when we have a crisis in our community, our state, or in this case our nation, we recognize that there is only one place to turn, and that is to the Lord.
God forgive us for what we take for granted. Help us to pray for those serving to protect our freedom. Help us to pray for our President and those under his command. Today on 9/11, thirteen years later, we remember those who were lost in this attack and the families that still remain to pick up the pieces.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)
14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
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