Monday, September 18, 2017

A Sermon in a Picture

Last week, tragedy hit our small Village of Camden as two young parents and their three year old daughter were killed in an accident right next to our church.  Several others were injured and we continue to pray for the driver who is critical as well.  When something like this hits a small rural community, it brings us together like a family.   We all hurt. Everyone seems to do whatever is needed at the moment and whatever can help the family. I am grateful for our First Responders whose lives  have been changed through what they have witnessed.  Their sacrifice is appreciated.

In ministry and in crisis,  presence is often more important than thinking you have to fill the silence with some profound statement of support.  While we believe Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His  purpose. In the immediate shadow of loss and grief, this passage is hard to understand when we are hurting so bad we don't even know what to think or pray..  I am grateful that God knows our hearts, is willing to let us pour out our questions to Him.  I am grateful that when we don't understand, that there is coming a day when we will.  Until then, I pray that in the midst of this crisis, that we run to Him, and not from Him. 
1 Corinthians 13:12 (NKJV)
12  For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

The above picture recently taken by someone remembering the great loss, is a picture of sadness and at the same time a picture of great hope.  The Corner of Hope is our tag as a church. My prayer is that is is more than just a catchy phrase, that we will be more than ever a place where people can come to know the Hope that is only in the Lord Jesus. That doesn't mean we just sit and wait on folks to come, but that we go out and love them and get them. Whatever we do, there is nothing more important than sharing with those around us the love of God, and the Gospel of our Savior.  May God use this tragedy to get us to think about eternity.  We pray for the families, and may many in our community come to Christ.

Until He comes...we will go!


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