Thursday, January 4, 2018

Do You Love to Tell the Story?

Dear FSBC, today Joe Kramer will attend the funeral of one of his best friends, Junior Driver.  In hearing Joe and others talk about Junior, it was said that he was one of the greatest soul winners
they have ever known.  What a great testimony to leave family and friends!  A testimony that you cared enough about people to share Christ with whomever you could.

Could it be that one reason we may not see people come to Christ is because we have quit sharing and inviting? Could it be that we are so Consumed with our lives that we feel like there is little time
to show compassion and care for others?

Recently as a result of his death, I was given a KJV Schofield Bible of Jim Castle. As a young husband at North Dayton Baptist Church, Jim and I learned to share our faith and often went out on visitation together.
It was not always smooth and clear, but we saw some folks come to Christ and made us rely on the Holy Spirit like never before.
We had a  friend, Ron Lee, who now pastors in the Enon area, invest time and patience with us to help us learn how to share the Gospel with anyone wherever we are. 
I thank the Lord for his deposit in my life. God can save anyone and the Holy Spirit can convict and soften and heart of anyone.

Beginning each Sunday night, on January 14th at 5:30 P.M. I will be training anyone interested in how to share
Christ with a searching world. We will meet in the Sanctuary and go to 6:15 P.M. ending in time for the worship service.
Maybe you have been desiring to do that and have not felt equipped.  We want to help you and give you some tools to get the conversation started.

Pray about how God can use you.  I love His church and my church family, Bro. Greg

Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)
8  This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night,
that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Recognizing Everyone is A Candidate for HOPE

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