Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What is your life?

James 4:14
whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

Yesterday I stood in a long line to pay my respects to the family of a young man who was tragically killed while riding a bicycle. My soul ached as I watched high school friends leave with broken hearts and plenty of questions. There were students everywhere. Many were carrying in portraits that they had painted in class of their friend.

One relative said, I can't believe how many students have come from school. He thought he had no friends." What a reminder. You never really know the impact you have on other people.

My prayer for this family and their great loss is that God will use the death of a young man much like he used Samson when he passed away. (Judges 16:25-30) While many were touched with his life while he was living, may many more be touched by God and come to know Christ through this great loss.

Hug your kids today and thank God for their life. Spend some time with your teenager and ask them about their life.

Believing God's Word and that life is a vapor, make the most of today and leave the pain of the past at the foot of the cross. God can handle it.

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