Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Hallmark Moment

I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary. 4Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

Jesus addresses the church at Ephesus and has some good things to say to them, yet it is the "first love" statement that grabs our attention.

Twenty-six years ago today, Renee and I exchanged vows to unite as husband and wife. I can remember how I used to do certain things. I wanted to impress her by opening doors or letting her have the first sip of a cold coke, or the first hot Burger Chef french fry. (You get my point) I would do little things to show her how much I loved her, even going out of the way to say it and to show it.

While the years have worn away some of the luster from our wedding bands, I love her more today than I did back then. One reason I believe is that we continue to grow as a couple.

Yesterday I bought her a card from Hallmark. I studied it, and after carefully reading the inscription, I made the purchase. I was proud of the choice, signed it and put it in her purse.

When I jumped in the car this morning there was an envelope laying on the seat. A card from her. I tore into it and began to recognize the young couple on the cover. It was the same card. I couldn't believe it. What chemistry! What compatibility! It was a Hallmark Moment. The only thing missing was seeing her car back up in reverse and her getting out of the car, and then we run toward each other as we hug, and then with passion we both say ........... "We got each other the same card!"

That's what God wants us to do as christians. He wants us to grow in our love for Him, and always be willing to run to Him. He will always be there with open arms. Don't run from God, run to Him.

That's what God did, when He sent Jesus, He cared enough to send the very best!

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