Thursday, July 2, 2020

Mask Wearing Christians

As we continue to navigate the unchartered territory of the Coronavirus here in 2020, what we had hoped for in a decrease of outbreaks has surged and now many states are making mask wearing mandatory in public places.  That has caused quite a stir.  Where do we come in as a church here at FSBC?

From the outset, we have encouraged masks, but they have not been mandatory. We have made plenty available and there is no shortage of masks it appears any more.
Some have been faithful to wear, while others have said no way.  Renee and I try to always wear a mask when we go out to shop or eat.  To the church let me remind us that this really is a small price to pay.  The medical community, first responders, and service personnel are wearing masks their entire shift.  We thank them for their tireless work to help us all live in a healthier environment.

Hiding behind a mask as a christian.

Have you ever been called or called someone else a hypocrite?  The word means to in essence wear a mask.  You are hiding who you really are. You are pretending to be something you are not.  That is a daily battle in my life, I don't know about you.  The Devil wants us to pretend that we are something we are not.  I have been guilty of that, how about you?   One way you and I can walk securely and peacefully is by removing any mask and being transparent, first of all before the Lord, and secondly before others.

In a Francis Chan's excerpt, Fruit that Lasts in Daniel Henderson's  "Old Paths, New Power", Chan writes, "Most preachers don't want to sound dumb.  Rather than doing what Paul did, which was to make himself sound less than what he is, I'm always trying to sound more intelligent than I am, more godly.  Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 2:2   For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Paul did not depend on himself .but on the power of God through him and in him.

Let's pitch the mask of hypocrisy and wear tangible masks during this COVID-19.  Not just for ourselves, but for others.  That isn't too much to ask.

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